The ninth Palace

Li Tian and Xin Yan continued to walk along the small path.

Behind him, a group of vengeful spirits followed Li Tian as if they were ready to pounce at any moment.

Li Tian wasn't worried at all. In fact, he felt a sense of security. At least, with the vengeful spirits protecting him, he didn't have to be afraid of being attacked by other cultivators.

Whoever dared to come, this group of vengeful spirits would pounce on them and let them have a good time.

An idea popped up in Li Tian's mind. Could he bring these vengeful spirits out of the palace and then take advantage of the heavenly Devil Palace?

However, Li Tian quickly suppressed this thought. After all, it wasn't realistic. These vengeful spirits wouldn't go too far away and could only wander around the cemetery. Otherwise, these vengeful spirits would have already gone out to slaughter the major forces and no one would be able to stop them.