Chapter 2237-suffocating

"Who wants to be immortal, rich, and glorious!" Li Tian cursed in his heart. He wanted to say no, but he didn't dare to.

The people in the palace were too powerful, and Li Tianping had never seen them before.

"Fatty, how confident are you now?" Li Tian asked.

"If it's a God, there's no way. If it's a quasi God, there might be a 30% chance." Fatty's eyes flickered.

"If the other party is a quasigod, we'll have at least a fifty percent chance of winning if the two of us join forces." Li Tian's heart was once again burning with anger.

Li Tian's biggest trump card was The Lion king's statue. Once it was activated, Li Tian was confident that he could exchange a few moves with a quasi God. Of course, he would not be able to win. When the time came, it would be up to fatty.

"Come in," The ancient voice said.

Li Tian and the fat man walked into the palace. Both of them were accumulating their strength, ready to attack at any time.