Chapter 2433-suppression

"Don't worry. His aura has increased, but his cultivation hasn 't. " Li Tian's sharp eyes immediately saw through the withered old man.

Even though he had returned to his youthful appearance, his overall cultivation level did not increase.

"Hehe, killing you guys is enough!" The shriveled old man, who had become younger, laughed carefreely. It was as if he had been given a new life. His entire person was different.

His speed was so fast that it was even more terrifying than before. He arrived in front of Li Tian in an instant and threw a punch at him.

Li Tian was already prepared for this. He covered his body with the blood armor and threw a punch at his chest.

Bang! Bang!

The two of them flew out and formed a line in the thick black mist. They pushed the mist away and then disappeared into the mist.

"Gan lie, hurry up and kill them." The demon said. She suddenly felt that even though she gave gan lie power, his consciousness was rejecting her even more.