Chapter 2952-space collapses

Li Tian's breathing quickened the moment he saw the blood-red ball. The blood in his body was boiling, and all his cells were transmitting a desire.

Li Tian even had a feeling that as long as he could absorb this round ball, he would definitely have a breakthrough in the realm of the immortal body, and even reach the phenomenal success stage!

The immortal body at the phenomenal success stage could improve Li Tian's physical body by several levels. His defensive power alone would undergo a tremendous change, and he would no longer be a cultivator at the peak of the void refinement realm.

Li Tian's heart skipped a beat as he stared at the blood-red ball. He almost couldn't resist the urge to pounce on it.

"What kind of virtue is this? you're hooked by such a small thing. You're really a disgrace to me." Fatty said in a bad mood.

Li Tian came back to his senses and smiled awkwardly. However, he didn't say anything. He was really attracted to the blood-red ball.