Soul sea

At this time, the red-eyed spirit did not hesitate at all. It turned around and fled into the distance, eager to escape.

Li Tian was slightly stunned. Then, he recalled that after absorbing a large number of souls, the black-and-white millstone seemed to have a strange spiritual fluctuation.

This kind of spiritual fluctuation could intimidate the nearby souls, making them not dare to come close. That was why the red-eyed soul had fled.

Under normal circumstances, the red-eyed apparition's intelligence was not mature. Once it discovered an outsider like Li Tian, it would not be able to escape. Even if it could not defeat him, it would still fight him to the end. It just would not fight him to the death.

"Since I've seen you, don't even think about escaping." Li Tian sneered. With a thought, the black-and-white millstone turned into a long rainbow and chased after the red-eyed apparition.