The gathering of the paragons

At this moment, the cave on the mountain had completely disappeared. However, due to the cover of dust, no one could see the ruins clearly. However, wisps of black mist continued to drift out.

No one, including Li Tian, dared to act rashly. Some of The Young Elites seemed to know each other, so they gathered together and discussed something in low voices.

One of the men was wearing a long white robe. His face was quite cold, and the aura he exuded was extremely powerful. Most of the people here were surrounding him.

"We all have a share of the resources in the soul pool. Why don't we all sit down and discuss how to distribute these souls?" The white-robed man said.

"Just what I wanted!" On the other side, a blue-robed young man with an arrogant expression nodded his head. That young man was no ordinary person either. His cultivation base had already reached the peak of the void refinement realm. A faint wave of pressure enveloped the entire area.