Chapter 3109-the power of the divine realm

After the storm passed, the entire Hall was in a mess. Even the limestone floor was in tatters. There were even large pits in a few places.

"It seems to have ended!" Li Tian released his divine sense and discovered that the guards were all seriously injured. Young master Wang was also seriously injured and had fallen into a coma.

"That's right, there's also that cloth-clothed fellow. Earlier, he and old ghost Zhai Xing ran out to fight. I wonder what the result was. "

Li Tian furrowed his brows for a moment before relaxing them again. As long as he controlled young master Wang, even if the plain-clothed guard defeated the star harvester pirate, he would have to surrender obediently unless he didn't care about young master Wang's life or death.

"Big brother li, are you alright?" At this moment, Zhuo Ningshan ran over from a corner and looked at Li Tian with a worried expression.