The star harvester pirate's mentality

"Most importantly, he's from the Zhao family and has some background. Even if we kill him, we won't be able to gain much from it. Zhao Yanting will definitely not let this matter rest." The old man in the magnificent robe added.

"I didn't consider enough." The elder pondered for a moment and immediately understood. In the face of a great enemy, losing a little face was actually nothing.

Furthermore, it had happened so suddenly that the outside world was unaware of it. This did not have much of an impact on the Wang family.

"Family head, first elder, I have something to say, but I don't know if it's appropriate to say it." Not long after elder Qian sat down, he suddenly stood up again.

"Just say it." The white-haired elder nodded in acknowledgment. The elder in the magnificent robe naturally did not object. Instead, he was attracted by elder Qian's words.

After hearing this, the other elders also looked over one by one, wanting to know what elder Qian had to say.