Chapter 3153-the power of the devil

Facing the red flame Fish King's question, Jiang Xinyan did not answer, but instead revealed a mocking expression.

"If you don't answer me, I'll take it that you're here to cause trouble!" The red flame Fish King was enraged as it spat out a ball of fiery light from its mouth, causing a large amount of fire to flow from the surroundings, blasting towards Jiang Xinyan with an overwhelming force.

The ball of light was extremely fast, like a meteor falling from the sky. It also carried a destructive power that made people's hearts palpitate.

However, in front of this ball of light, Jiang Xinyan was not afraid at all. Instead, her eyes were burning with passion and battle intent.

When the ball of light was close enough, she suddenly threw a punch forward, sweeping away a large stream of fire, and directly met it.

With a boom, the ball of light exploded, creating rings of violent ripples. It was a huge sound, but Jiang Xinyan's fist force was also completely offset.