A strange performance

After a short while, the fatty entered the hole first, followed by the silver-armored man, then the girl in the black dress and her group of guards.

Chen beihong and the others followed behind the group of guards. Li Tian and Jiang Xinyan only stepped into the robber's hole after they had all disappeared.

The robber's hole went straight down, and the passage was a little narrow, only enough for one person to pass through. Moreover, the light inside was dim, and one couldn't even see their own fingers.

Perhaps it was because there were too many restrictions in this place, but Li Tian wanted to use his divine sense to explore the way. However, it was useless, as his divine sense was blocked for no reason.

Helplessly, he could only activate a ball of spiritual flame to see with the help of the flame. Although there was light in front, it was too far away and could not reach him.