Chapter 3216-ice vein

"Of course it can. I've already sent people to investigate. The core ice essence is located under a Valley, and there are a few snow demon apes guarding it." A young man wearing a brocade robe and several expensive accessories answered.

"Young Duke, don't make us play with you. This place is not safe. There might be a large group of demonic beasts running out. I'm afraid we can't stop the beast tide with just the few of us." A man in heavy armor said, revealing only his determined face.

In the heavily armored man's hand, there was a pitch-black halberd that was engraved with mysterious patterns. It was obvious that the halberd was no ordinary item.

"Little general Cao, you can rest assured. If there's no earth core ice essence here, who would come all the way here for no reason?" The young man in embroidered clothes said.