Participating in the assessment

"Alright, bring me there now." Li Tian nodded and said.

"Please wait for a moment, my Lord. I'll go and make the report first. I'll be back in a moment." Lian SI's face lit up, and he walked into the depths of the palace, disappearing from Li Tian's sight.

Not long after, Lian si returned quickly and took many turns. Li Tian didn't know how many similar passages he had passed through, but when he was about to pass out, he finally stopped.

In front of them was an even more magnificent Palace. There were a few heavily armored guards guarding the door, and unauthorized people could not get close.

"My Lord, this is manager you's office. You have a token, so you can enter without any obstructions. I'll wait for you here." Lian si looked at the palace and then respectfully said.

Li Tian didn't ask any further. After showing his token, he strode into the palace and saw an old man in a black robe sitting in the hall.