Spiritual plant mountain range

No matter how troublesome it was, Li Tian still had to take care of the spirit herb plantation in purple rhyme city. The two officials he had called out just now happened to be in charge of The Herb Farm.

"Lord Marquis, I'm afraid this is a little inappropriate. I've never managed a city before. If I mess up this matter, I'll become the sinner of purple rhyme city ..." The star harvester pirate did not dare to agree. He immediately waved his hand and declined.

"What are you afraid of? it's not like you have to do everything. You just have to manage these officials well. If anyone dares to obey on the surface but disobey on the inside, you can just bring people to confiscate their property." Li Tian replied casually. In his opinion, as long as he could control these officials, it would not be a problem to stabilize the situation in purple cloud City.