Chapter 3622-blackmail

Tucci looked at the person who was strangling his neck in horror, and the fear of death instantly enveloped him.

"Ha! I'm your grandfather!"

Li Tian said as he lifted her up like a little chick.

He turned around, raised his eyebrows, and looked at the sand scorpions at the door.

"Move!" He shouted.

He carried Tucci, a smile on his lips, but his voice was as cold as ice.

Hearing the loud noise outside, sand scorpion, who had rushed over to check the situation, looked at each other and finally had to make way.

Li Tian and Xin Yu walked out openly and were surrounded by the sand scorpion Army.

"If you don't want it to die, then get as far away from me as you can."

Li Tian sneered as he looked at the Army of sand scorpions. There was no trace of fear on his face. He was so calm that it seemed like he was not the one who was surrounded.

The sand scorpion Army didn't move, but Li Tian didn't panic. He slowly increased the strength of his hand.