Chapter 3661-supporting the West

Li Tian thought about how the other party had shown goodwill to the myriad sword sect many times. It was a sign that the state capital of Qing wanted to draw the myriad sword sect under their wings.

The entire Eastern Region had been given to them, and they had accepted this great gift. In the future ... Hehe, Qing Wen had indeed planned well.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and the smile on his lips became more and more profound.

The situation in Qingzhou had already shown its advantage. The state government of Qingzhou could no longer just stand by and watch. They would definitely start to take action and slowly find back what they had lost in the war in another way.

The WAN Jian house ...

"Sect leader ye, this time, the myriad sword sect and The Heavenly Fox Tribe have made a great contribution. According to the usual practice, the rewards are clear!"

Qing wendao put down his teacup and smiled at ye Qingtian and Xin Liu.

"Um ..."