Chapter 3688-Lucca

As soon as these words came out, the entire audience was too quiet. This was simply reporting The Bloody Truth without any cover up.

All the sand scorpions were waiting for the Queen's reaction in silence, and then they would consider their next move.


The Queen of sand scorpions slowly turned around. She looked at the old sand scorpion with a smile.

"You've thought it through. "

His words were so plain that no one could tell if he was being sarcastic or something else. The sand scorpions couldn't make up their minds.

"Your Majesty, I think this is reasonable!"

A sand scorpion finally stood up from the silence. As soon as it finished speaking, many other sand scorpions also stood up and expressed their agreement.

The Queen of sand scorpions looked at them and said nothing. The sand scorpions below began to analyze again after hesitating for a while. In the end, they felt that if they did not retreat, the sand scorpion race would be annihilated.