Chapter 3714-frivolous

The Heavenly Fox clan followed ye Qingtian and Li Tian back to Dongli city. As soon as they entered the city, they immediately gathered the higher-ups of the myriad sword sect and began an emergency meeting.

As soon as ye Qingtian arrived at the city Lord's mansion, he immediately started the meeting without even taking a sip of water.

"Everyone, today, I went to the state capital of Qing to participate in the peace negotiation with the sand scorpion Army ... Something unexpected happened."

Ye Qingtian looked at the people below and told them the result of the peace negotiations.


Elder MA stood up in surprise. He walked over quickly and stared at ye Qingtian with wide eyes.

"The sand scorpion Army didn't retreat from Qingzhou!"

Everyone was also extremely surprised. This kind of result, was this considered a peace negotiation? He felt that the sand scorpion Army had gained a lot of advantages!