Chapter 3754-ambush

Within half a day, The Woman in Black found Li Tian's location.

With the experience of being tricked the last time, she didn't let her guard down at all this time. Instead, she observed the surroundings.

When she sensed that Li Tian's aura had suddenly become weak, a trace of doubt appeared in her eyes.

"According to this guy's nature, if he really went berserk while cultivating, he would pretend to be a Big Bad Wolf instead of acting like this," She calmly analyzed.

"It might be a trap. This guy is waiting for me to take the bait." The black-clothed woman narrowed her eyes.

She stood there for a moment, then finally shook her head and decided to attack.

"No matter if he's trying to trick us or empty-handed, it's useless in front of absolute strength!" The black-clothed woman thought.

No matter what kind of schemes you have, I will break them with force!