Peace treaty

"Great elder, you can slowly comprehend it yourself. However, time is running out."

Li Tian kept his sword and left with his men. If it weren't for the sword intent in the air, it would have been as if he had never appeared.

"Li Tian, do you think that old thief will really come and ask for peace?"

Fatty crossed his arms as he looked at Li Tian.

"Don't worry, he'll definitely come by himself. "

Li Tian squinted his eyes, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up into a smile.

This time, Liu Haotian had completely fallen into the trap. He had completely cut off all ties with the demon sealing sect. In other words, everything was going according to plan. Liu Haotian was in a dilemma.

Yu honglian and the rest blocked the way in front while the demon sealing sect chased after them. Liu Haotian was not stupid. He knew what choice he had to make.

As expected, he took the initiative to find Yu honglian and make peace.