Chapter 3980-nothing more than this

"Don't look at me like that ... Why do you have to kill him yourself? he can just die on his own. "

The fat man waved his hand. He couldn't stand Li Tian's gaze.

"Two more strikes, just don't kill him."

The fat man patted Li Tian's shoulder, but Li Tian glanced at the man on the ground and didn't say anything. He turned around and went into the room.

"When the young master he mentioned comes, we'll clean them up together."

The fat man pouted and shook his head as he looked at the man on the ground. Li Tian had used 100% of his strength in his last kick, so this man was probably half dead.

He turned around and entered the house. As soon as he stepped in, he saw Xin Yu in Li Tian's arms. He cursed under his breath and said helplessly,""Enough, you two. I'm still here."

Xin Yu and Li Tian kept a distance from each other, but her hand was still tightly gripping Li Tian's sleeve.

"Even the gaps between my teeth are sour."