
No one said anything after 3000000 medium spiritual stones. Medium spiritual stones were already extremely precious, and 3000000 medium spiritual stones was even more unbearable for ordinary people.

Li Tian looked at the room sarcastically when he saw that the originally high-spirited auction hall had suddenly become quiet.

This lancets had been prepared for these people from the beginning. These few rounds were just a formality.

"What's wrong? You're not going to do anything?" Li Tian looked at Liu Yue and thought to himself,"there's still no movement from this guy. I don't think he's just here to join in the fun."

"What's wrong? You want to make a move?" Liu Yue looked at Li Tian. Li Tian was still sitting in his chair, looking like a rich man's son. However, his actions weren't vulgar and he seemed to be casual.

Li Tian looked at the man, then at the silent auction house, and the smile on his face deepened.

"Three million medium spiritual stones, going once."