Jinxuan school

"You can die now," Li Tian said indifferently. He didn't give the thousand Crow sect's sect master any chance to speak and directly slit his throat with his sword.

Not long after, donghuai, Feng Qiao, and little Cai all returned. They had already killed all the people of the thousand Crow sect, and some of the disciples who were willing to repent were released.

"What is this?" Little Cai said while staring at the big bird in the sky.

"What a big Crow," Dong Huai also said at the same time.

"Get down!" The fat man's palm ruthlessly swept down the crow in the air, and a loud boom shook the entire square.

The black bird's wings were almost torn off, and many of its feathers had fallen off. There was still blood on the bare places, and it was in an extremely sorry state.

It lay on the ground, barely breathing. Blood was flowing out, and its vitality was rapidly fading.