
Just as the leader was about to mock Li Tian, he felt a sudden change in Li Tian's aura.

Li Tian's mouth was still bleeding, but there was a force that was constantly rushing out of his body. The seal next to his dantian cracked open, and light spilled out in all directions.

Only by breaking and then establishing could one see a turning point. Only in desperate situations could a person truly unleash their potential.

Li Tian could feel the injuries in his body healing at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. He could feel a vigorous power growing like wild grass.

He clenched the sword in his hand, and endless sword Qi swept out like a whirlwind.

The leader felt an extremely terrifying pressure, and his body retreated reflexively.

Li Tian stood up with the help of his sword. He could feel that his strength had more than doubled, and the corners of his mouth curled up.