Chapter 4952-undead spirits

River of sword Qi, go!

Li Tian shouted, and his sword swept across thousands of miles like a rainbow.

The tens of thousands of yellow flowers suddenly attacked the single-horned yellow ox's horn.

Pi Li pa la!

Countless yellow flower sword Qi exploded on the horns of the huge single-horned yellow Bulls like cannonballs.

The next moment, Li Tian was dumbfounded. In front of him, yellow sand was falling from the body of the huge single-horned yellow ox that was hundreds of meters tall.

However, when the yellow sand landed on the ground, it started spinning rapidly.

Then, thousands of single-horned yellow Bulls came to life.

As for his sword Qi yellow flowers, they had already been scattered by the tens of thousands of yellow Bulls.

Li Tian's Adam's apple moved. This guy was a monster.

At this time, Li Tian finally reacted. This was not a controller, but the death spirit of the death desert.