Black fog in the ghost tomb

How could it be so comfortable in the ghost tomb?

Where was this place?

Li Tian's body trembled. At that moment, he felt as if he had returned to the city. However, the next moment, he realized that he was in the ghost tomb.

His consciousness wanted to see everything clearly, but after a struggle, it was still chaotic.

After a long while, Li Tian endured the pain in his head and finally remembered that Ling Xing 'er and the old monk had come in with him. However, he couldn't open his eyes.

Even his hands were full of powerlessness.

However, when Li Tian tried to stretch his hand out, he realized that his hand was surrounded by cold water, as if he had fallen into a dark sea.

Li Tian's heart skipped a beat. At that moment, he suddenly began to wonder if his soul and body had been separated.

After calming down, Li Tian was sure that his soul hadn't been separated. Instead, his divine sense had been deceived, and his will had been destroyed.