The reappearance of the Taotie

Seeing Li Tian lying on the ground, covered in blood, the fat man ran over anxiously.

"Big brother! Big brother! Are you alright?“

The fat man shook Li Tian and shouted loudly, afraid that Li Tian would die.

Li Tian closed his eyes. He was tired and wanted to rest.

However, fatty was shaking him hard at the side, unable to rest in peace.

"Fatty, stop shaking, he's still alive.“

The fatty was pleasantly surprised to hear Li Tian's words.

"It's great that you're not dead. Then, this blood ...?“

The fat man looked at Li Tian, who was covered in blood, and asked curiously,"who is this blood?"

"Don't worry, this is the blood of the snow wolves.“

Li Tian replied in a weak voice, and the corners of his mouth curled up to reassure fatty.

When Feng Xia heard that Li Tian was fine, she immediately felt relieved and smiled.

The fighting scene just now was very chaotic.