The ancient tomb in the snow

After sending them off, Li Tian returned to the cave to meet up with fatty and the others.

"Big brother, how is it? did you manage to get anything?“

Seeing that Li Tian had returned without any injuries, the fatty was relieved. He then asked Li Tian about the group of people.

"Don't mention it. Those people were stubborn and didn't say anything. I sent them thousands of miles away.“

Li Tian was a little annoyed that he didn't get any information. He felt like he had lost another lead, and he didn't know when he would be able to find the border Heavenly King.

"I have something to tell you. I was unwilling to leave the Mount wushen earlier because I had to stay to save people.“

Looking at the people in front of him, Feng Qiao explained the reason why he was unwilling to leave the wushen Snow Mountain. It could be considered as an explanation.

"What? Save people?“