Ping Cheng

The bloodied man, who had been disturbed by Li Tian's sleep, was uninterested. He unwillingly replied,"it's Yingluo."“

The bloody man had a lot of dissatisfaction with Li Tian, and he had countless new and old grudges. However, now that he was living under someone else's roof, he still had to give Li Tian a hint.

Everyone laughed when they heard the bloody man's angry but silent tone. They were sincerely impressed by Li Tian. After all, he had been frightened by the blood tomb.

The group of them chatted and laughed along the way. Time passed quickly, and they didn't feel bored along the way. Very soon, they left the wushen Snow Mountain and crossed the desert of death.

Heading north was the way back to spirit city, while heading west was the way back to ping city. After Li Tian bade farewell to fatty and the rest, he headed straight for ping city, while fatty and the rest returned to spirit city.

Spirit city's royal family, bright garden.