Malicious provocation

Tu te saw that tu li was seriously injured and felt anxious. Fortunately, his life was not in danger.

He had thought that winning first place in the battle for the island owner would make everything better, but it was not the case.

Now that the Blue Water Island and besieging Island had joined forces to devour the slaughtering Island, the anger in their hearts was magnified several times.

If this continued, the nightmare of massacring the island ten years ago would probably repeat itself.

Now, tu te was in a dilemma. However, this also made him burn with the desire to regain the position of the first island master.

Bi lanyun's action was the beginning of this battle, especially when Chao Ming couldn't wait to get rid of the island.

Even though the idea of devouring massacre Island had been proposed by bi Haitian, he had also been thinking about this idea for a long time. Now was the perfect time.