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"Thank you, my Lord. I'm short, and people call me donggua. If you have any instructions in the future, you can just call me donggua."

Dong gua was overjoyed, and even his steps when leaving were light.

As soon as he left, Li Tian's eyebrows furrowed together.

He did not notice any signs of the Dragon vein in ping city.

Generally speaking, the concentration of spiritual Qi in places with dragon veins would be much denser than in other places. Even the probability of producing talents was higher than in other places.

The so-called land spirits and outstanding talents were based on this logic.

However, looking at the dilapidated state of ping city, not even a rare spiritual herb could be seen. It did not look like a place that had been nourished by the Dragon veins. From the outside, it was just an ordinary piece of land.