Peeping Tom

Outside the forest, the sun was already high in the sky, scorching the earth.

Fatty put his hand on his forehead and asked Li Tian with a frown.

"Boss, do you have any plans? The North Sea is so big, we can't just run around like headless flies. If we run into another Black Dragon, we'll all be finished. "

It was obvious that the trip to the North Sea had left a deep psychological shadow in Fatty's heart, and he was afraid of running into the black Dragon again.

"Let's go to the seven islands of the North Sea first. Ling Wei and I have been there before and even helped to slaughter the island master of the demon Island. So, let's go there first to inquire about the heart of the ancient Crimson. We might be able to gain something."

Li Tian had already thought of what to do when he made this decision.