Soul out of body

The blood-colored memory compass contained the memories of the powerful beings of the celestial world.

It was very different from the remnant souls that Li Tian had absorbed.

In other words, this blood-colored memory compass stored the most happy and most painful memories of the powerful beings in the immortal world.

And their remnant souls were just the last hope for them to reincarnate as humans.

That was because their divine Emperor had killed these people and crushed their souls. In the end, a remnant of their soul was left and suppressed here, unable to be reborn.

Everything in the world was yin and yang. As long as yin and yang could reach a certain balance, everything would reach the best state.

Li Tian and Yue Ling 'er were the only way to open the mother coffin.

However, Luo Chen's ability to control the mother coffin had disappeared after Li Tian absorbed the energy.