Chapter 5529-the power of the devil

The crowd only saw that the lava had completely enveloped the two of them, and they could not see any details. However, they could also feel the rising temperature around them, and beads of sweat appeared on their foreheads.

Seeing this, fat cat stomped her feet in panic, saying: "What do we do? Will brother be alright?"

Zhuang Zhuang wiped the sweat off his face with his sleeve and said,""Right now, we have no other choice. He can only rely on himself. I hope he can hold on."

At that moment, Li Tian was suffering from the high temperature of the magma.

Compared to the temperature inside the lava that could melt a person, the temperature outside the lava was nothing.

"Hiss hiss hiss."

The water in Li Tian's body was quickly expelled out of his body, turning into large drops of sweat that oozed out of his skin. Then, they were quickly evaporated, leaving only the sound of water boiling in the air.