The ancient village is so terrifying

Half a month later, Li Tian gradually woke up. He found himself covered in wounds, and he had almost lost all his cultivation. The only thing left was the broken heart of Pangu, which could still beat in his body.

At this moment, an old man with short hair and a white beard walked in with a bowl of fragrant meat soup in his hand.

The broth was simple and crude, but Li Tian was surprised to find that the broth contained a rich amount of energy. It could nourish the body and was comparable to the elixir of the divine world.

With just one bite, his originally weak body instantly recovered a lot of vitality.

After finishing the meat soup, Li Tian was able to get out of bed and walk around freely. He moved his arms and felt no pain at all.

This surprised Li Tian once again. A celestial Sage's body could actually be restored to such a state with a bowl of meat soup.

"What kind of soup is this? it has such a miraculous effect."