Area of Effect Eruption

Lautner and Eric had also realized that something was unusual. They became nervous but were still careful so as to not commit any simple mistake.

At the same time, both of them hid.

One of them was a demon-hunting ranger, while the other was a Dark shadow ranger.

What did a demon-hunting ranger do?

They were professional hunters that targeted dark creatures. It meant that Lautner possessed many extra boosts against dark creatures.

There was another important aspect in this job, Lautner had to undergo special training and practice in the den of monsters. Hence this kind of situation that might occur in a den of monsters was not unfamiliar to him. When two dark creatures charged at him, he jumped and disappeared into thin air…

On the other hand, a dark shadow ranger was a Ranger, an explosive archer, who remained hidden in the darkness. In the magical era, Eric had been a long-range murderer.