Gimmick Versus Strategy

The sun rose in the east.

William led his army of players towards the orichalcum mine.

The Seraphkin had deployed three legions composed of Intermediate professionals. These powerful units had Silver-quality equipment. Their main goal was to take back the orichalcum mine, walloping the Heavy Spear tribe could wait.

They traveled in haste. When they arrived near the vicinity of the mine, they saw that a 3-meter perimeter had been cleared around the forest. The Orcs made use of the wood to construct simple fortifications to prevent an attack by the Seraphkin.

This was done under Altaic's orders. The trees around the mine were to be cut, and the wood harvested, used to construct defenses. In addition, the Elves could not hide on the trees and snipe at the Orcs.

"My lord, the Dawn Army is here. William brought along an army with 40,000 to 50,000 soldiers," a Vhoul timidly reported.