Fabrication of The Truth

Fabricating a new set of memory is possible with my ability, but it is extremely complicated due to the complexity of the human brain and the consciousness it holds within.

The consciousness is not a physical entity, so it is even more difficult to describe in the context of this physical world, and to be honest, I just know how to manipulate it without having the actual knowing how.

It is simply due to what I am, just as father has intended when he created me.

I also know that inserting a false memory into the consciousness of a person is not as simple as placing it in and calling it a day. False memories induce a lot of contradictions and leaps of logics within a mind even if the fabricated memory is perfectly crafted.

It is not as simple as commanding someone what to do in certain situations, like how Max had ordered Helen to treat him like the most important customer ever exists, making sure that he is always utterly satisfied regardless whether she likes it or not.

This is unlike what Max has done to Nicole. He commanded her to accept him as her son, and as such, she will, but it is not that simple.

While Nicole does know that she has to help her 'son' with his problem, but what that problem actually is and how she will be able to help him are currently beyond her knowledge and understandings. That is because she does not have the memory relates to his problem.

She also does not have the memory of him being her son before today. Before he said that he is.

That is actually not a good thing since it will create a lot of confusions and contradictions in her mind, more so if it is not rectified soon enough. Her mind would try to correct itself and make up something logical or reasonable should Max did not make it up for her specifically.

But of course, whatever fabricated memory Max will create, it should be highly detailed enough to fill in the missing gap within her mind. Even so, it would likely still cause confusions and contradictions if he doesn't actively reinforce it.

The brain just knows when a memory is fake or not, but thanks to me, it will not linger too long on the fake memories, questioning it pointlessly and eventually breaking the illusion that I have created. The people are affected will accept the memory regardless of how bizarre or illogical it maybe.

And I think Max understands this, as he appears to be thinking more and more about me and my ability to manipulate the mind of a person. Perhaps, he would be able to use me in a more ingenious way.

It is something that I am very interested in, as it does open my eyes and expands my knowledge. What Max can teach me about my very own nature will make me stronger. The same when he uses me a lot since it improves my proficiencies as well as masteries.

With higher proficiencies and masteries, I can manipulate the will of others more easily, and one day, I will able to manipulate the will of beings unimaginably powerful.

"What do you need me to do, sweetie?"

Nicole questions, fully accepting Max as her son because he had said so. Despite that, she remembers of knowing him as George just a few moments ago. Since he is Max now, there is a contradiction within her mind.

It continues to fester as time passes.

However, her mind automatically correct itself since Max did not. It creates a logical leap between the two contradicting pieces of information. It does so by acknowledging Max looking a lot like George.

"You don't know, mum?"

Max questions, causing Nicole to blink repeatedly. Her mind tries to come up with something, but it is impossible since there is nothing to expand or extrapolate upon. There must be something in her mind for this to work.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. I don't seem to remember. Can you remind me?"

Nicole asks, becoming more and more confused. It is very visible on her face. Her beautiful face. I think I truly understand what makes a person beautiful. I also aware of what appearance I should manifest in order to be beautiful.

Of course, I am not going to do that yet, as there is no need. I also want the first person to see me for what I truly am is my master.

Max nods and calms Nicole down as he theorizes about her state of mind. He eventually comes to an understanding. Whatever that is, I am unsure, but from what I notice so far, he is quite a smart guy.

"Sure thing, mum. You probably have forgotten about this since there a lot of things on your mind. As you can see for yourself, I have a bit of problem with my private parts."

Max tells Nicole and shows his tenting problem. He tells her that she might have forgotten to prevent her from searching her mind about it. Since it is a command, her mind accepts his words and tells itself that she did forgotten about it.

Nicole gasps at the sight. She didn't notice it before, but she certainly notices it now.

"It has something to do with my cock and balls. I mean penis and testicles."

Max continues with a smile.

"I see… but shouldn't you ask for your father about this instead of me? He is more suited after all."

Nicole questions after she averts her eyes from his very visible hardon. She shouldn't look at it for too long, considering that Max is her son right now. That is all within her character.

"Actually, I already did, but you know how dad is. He tells me to seek help from you instead since I am already old enough. Besides, I prefer it to be you for more than one reason. And you did say that you will help me with the problem in any way you can. Did you not remember?"

Max points out, crafting the lies and reinforcing the memory.

"I did…? Oh. I suppose that I did. No problem. I will try to help you with this problem, sweetie, but you will need to refresh my mind again since I am such a klutz and have forgotten everything."

Nicole responses with a smile.

"Sure thing, mum. Like I have said, I have a problem with my penis and testicles. There are aches and discomforts here and there. I have gone to a sexual health clinic to have a doctor looks over it. He tells me that I have something call hyperactive horniness, and it is a very serious condition that I shouldn't really tell anyone."

Max tells Nicole. The last part is to stop the world from rippling and resetting.

This is because George had never attempted something like this. George was only interested in having sex and getting what he wanted, so he never truly explored me.


Nicole utters as she accepts the new information. Everything that Max tells her will become the truth within her mind. At the moment, she is like most gullible person ever.

"Yes. The doctor tells me that there is no cure for my condition, but there are ways to ease my pain. I would need to ejaculate regularly, and I have been trying for a while now, but it is not working, so can you please help me, mum?"

Max tells her before undoing his belt and top button of his pants. He lowers the zip before pulling his pants and boxer down in one go, revealing his incredible hardon.

"Oh my."

Nicole gasps at the huge cock bobbing in front of her. It is probably bigger than even her husband, all thanks to my father for the enhancement.

"Is there something wrong?"

Max questions with a faint smile. He did not just tell her to straight up suck his cock and swallow all of his cum like George did. It is more interesting to him having the woman doing it out of her own will. It is a lot more pleasurable too, not to mention a lot of more sexual energies being released.

"It is a bit weird, don't you think, sweetie?"

Nicole questions.

"No. Not at all, mum. It is for medical reason, and besides, the good doctor tells me that this problem of mine while incurable is not deadly as long as I have a woman to help me with it. Since there is really no one else besides you in my life, I have to ask you, so please, can you help me?"

Max adds.

"Yes. Of course, sweetie. I will help you, but what if you father asks?"

Nicole points out.

"He will understand, I promise you."

Max assures Nicole, and she accepts his assurance. She did ask a few more things, but Max dismisses them all with assurances. It removes any hesitation or reluctant within her mind.

"Oh. Since I am going to cum quite a lot, you should take off your clothes, so it doesn't get dirty. Also, I get more stimulus if I can touch you as well. Hope you don't mind."

Max suggests. He just causes a leap of logic, but it is acceptable to Nicole.

"Yes. Of course. All for medical purpose, right?"

Nicole questions and begins to undress. She removes her top and the skirt, neatly piling to the side as Max takes off his shirt and pants completely. He is utterly naked, and she is still in her underwear.

Her black bra and matching lingerie. She is quite beautiful, and the sight alone causes Max to inhale a deep breathe.

"Alright, sweetie. Will this be fine?"

Nicole asks as her eye lands on his erected cock. It is rather strange for her to jack off her son all alone in this place, but she has to in order to help him. It is all that matters.

"Yes, certainly."

Max responses with a smile. He seems to have learned something about me and my power, and I think I did too. Despite the command, her freewill remains untouched. She is actually doing this willingly, as she would if everything Max had said are true.

"You are already hard, sweetie, so it might not take long. That is good. I am going to stroke your cock and wank you off, and since it helps you stimulate, you can touch me if you wish."

Nicole asks while standing next to Max. Her right-hand wraps around his cock and starts stroking him, methodically, up and down. Her other hand around his back, holding onto him.

In response, Max has a look at her lovely ass. Not huge, but fairly large. It is quite round and shapely, and her black lingerie grips the flesh of her buttocks sexily. Some of the white fleshes are visible, under the thinner material of the panties where they cover her ass.

There is a thicker, non-see through material that covers the lovely line between her ass and cunt area, and without further ado, his left hand begins to stroke her butt cheeks gently in circular motion, letting him feel her flesh.

Max had felt her up before, but this time it is different. A lot more different when she is pumping his cock up and down, so ever gently at first.

"By the way, sweetie. Where are you going to cum?"

Nicole asks, and I am certain that Max wouldn't want to waste his cum on the dirty floor of this place.

He would certainly have her wear it or drink it. Or both. It is what he usually does to Helen at the mall, forcing her to wear his cum like a form of makeup.

"Actually, the doctor told me to measure the cum for research purposes. It also helps him have some insight into my problem. I usually measure it with a beaker of sort, but I didn't bring any with me, so I guess you will have to use your mouth, mum."

Max tells Nicole, causing her to look questioningly.

"What do you mean my mouth, sweetie?"

Nicole questions. Normally, she would have run off at the suggestion, but due to her understandings about his conditions, she doesn't.

"I am going to cum into your mouth, mum. Just count how many mouthfuls of cum you can swallows, and it should be enough."

"Oh. Okay, no worry, sweetie. Are you going to cum soon?"

Nicole questions and continues to pump him with her lovely hands. I know because I could feel exactly what he is feeling.

"Soon. Yes, very soon. Oh. Just keep pumping me."