The Pool of Blood on the Ground

She unconsciously surveyed the surroundings upon hearing that.

Amidst the crowd, there was a man walking away with his back toward her. His tall and overpowering frame reminded her of Jiang Beiyuan!


Her eyelids twitched twice abruptly. Is that…

No, surely that can't be. It's a man whose frame resembles Jiang Beiyuan's, that's all. Besides, why would he appear in such a crowded place like this? He prefers peace and quiet.

Holding this thought, she felt somewhat relieved as she shook her head vigorously.

"Anyway, let's forget about him. How about I, your sis, take you someplace for a drink?"

Her buddy broke into a smile. "Now, that's more like it!"


An hour had passed and she was regretting her decision.

Ding Baoyi had turned into a drunkard!

How could she overestimate her buddy's alcohol tolerance!

Once they'd reached the bar counter, they had ordered a bottle of vodka. She did not drink a single drop as she watched her best friend down shots, one after another, without any qualms.

Compared to her friend, she was cautious.

Now that she was a married woman, she was worried that her husband might reprimand her if she were to reek of alcohol when she returned home later.

Jiang Beiyuan…

Speaking of that familiar profile earlier, don't tell me that that's him?

She pondered, without any clue whatsoever.

As she helped her friend out of the bar, the intoxicated woman could hardly keep to a straight line as she stumbled and fumbled along. Worse, pointing at a signpost in front of her, she started to sing at the top of her voice. "You are the most beautiful cloud in my horizon. Allow my heart to keep you beside — Wuuu wuuu!"

Yan Nian forcefully covered her friend's mouth with her hands, thereupon only muffled sounds could be heard.

"Shut up! Don't embarrass me in public!"

I still want my dignity, even if she doesn't!

"Wuuu wuuu wuuu!"

"You promise not to sing another song and I'll let go."

Ding Baoyi stopped talking and suddenly burst into tears.

Two rolls of warm, moist tears streamed down her cheeks, effectively prompting her friend to remove her hands.

"Hey, is this necessary? I only asked you not to sing, didn't I?"

She'd had her fair share of experiences with the inebriated.

Jiang Beiyuan was the same when he was tipsy. Hugging her and refusing to let go, he was like a baby who refused to grow up.

"Tell me, what kinda life am I having? All I've met were scumbags. Not one of them was good!"

"Please, which man isn't a scumbag? It's hard to find a good man nowadays. Very difficult, indeed!"

She recalled her past relationship with Wen Yu. They had been together for three years, since their first year in college. Still, look at what happened to us in the end…

Forget it. That was the past, there's no point talking about this now.

Her buddy suddenly broke free from her grip during her momentary lapse and ran toward the main road!

Shocked, she immediately gave chase!

"Ding Baoyi, stay and don't run!"

Her friend was muttering "doggie, doggie…" as she dashed to the middle of the road.

It was the red light right now.

A small, nervous mongrel looked lost and trapped in the middle of the road, too scared to move.

Ignoring the loud horns surrounding her, she speedily reached the spot where the doggie was. Squatting down with a face of contentment, she carried the doggie in her arms…

"Little doggie, you're safe now. Don't worry."

She was a dog lover, and no amount of alcohol could make her ignore the life of the little creature.


A hunchback was driving in her direction as the driver tooted his horn desperately.

Hearing the loud noise, she squinted her eyes for a better look…


The car lights are so bright.

She extended her hand, fingers spread, high in the sky. The bright car light streamed through the gaps between her fingers, enchanting her tremendously.

How nice.

She could finally see the light after wandering in darkness by herself, without anyone to love and care for her.

Bright light…


There was a pool of bright red-colored blood on the ground, and the metallic smell of fresh blood soon spread.

The driver who was accountable quickly drove away.

"Ding Baoyi!"

From behind, Yan Nian cried out her name at the top of her lungs.

The shrill, desperate howling pierced through the endless skyline.