You Must Marry Ji Jianing

The second-floor corridor was isolated and quiet.

Since Old Madam Li has trouble walking and disliked too much commotion, she had taken the room by the corner. Still, even before Li Shaoling entered, he heard sobs from within.

He pushed the door and entered to find Old Madam Li in her wheelchair. She was dressed in tangzhuang, and it was not difficult to see that she was once beautiful despite her white hair and wrinkles.

A woman was sprawled over her lap and quietly sobbing. She looked slowly when she heard the door open—her face was full of tear stains and her eyes were utterly damp, as if she was waiting for someone to console her.

It was Ji Jianing.

One would not surprise and indeed be aware through common sense that she had told her side of the story with tons' worth of added details, claiming Old Madam Li's sympathy and heartache.

She probably even took the chance to badmouth Ji Weixi as well.