President Li’s Jar of Envy Tilted Over

Li Shaoling's body, as hot as a furnace, was wrapped over Ji Weixi. She could not remain calm.

Suddenly, she felt a coolness over her cheeks and she stiffened.

Li Shaoling's thin lips were on her beaten cheek.

That sensation… so smooth…

He kissed her cheek!

"Does it still hurt?" He asked lovingly.

Ji Weixi flushed so hard blood could be drawn from her face. She glared at him in rage and the hint of a woman's shyness.

Li Shaoling swallowed. He started to reach toward her by reflex.

The distance between their lips shortened. As breathing and tensions tangled, Ji Weixi forgot to struggle and held her breath by instinct, her heart thumping so hard it would leap out of her throat.

But in that moment of spark…


A tender voice called urgently.

Both of them froze as if woken from a dream. They heard the sounds of little footsteps approaching.