Those I Hit Are Subhuman

Ji Weixi thought things through, but eventually texted Li Shaoling: I am going home. Take care of the kid!

…Did that sound a little too fierce? As she thought more about it, she erased it—there was no telling whether he would get angry and simply dump her son on the streets.

She retyped: I'm off. My son is in your care.

Click, send.

Then, just as both herself and Tian Miaomiao reached the carpark, they heard an angry shout nearby.

"Stop right there!"

Several well-rounded men were dashing towards them, batons in hand.

Another figure flashed before Ji Weixi's eyes then, deftly and swiftly slipping beneath her car.

The other men were sweating buckets in their pursuit, but were unable to find their target.

"Hey," one of them asked fiercely, "did you see a man run past here?"

Tian Miaomiao promptly hid behind Ji Weixi in fear, even tugging at her clothes while her cover shook her head by instinct.