Can You Forgive Me?

When the meeting ended, Ji Weixi quickly squeezed her way into the crowd and slipped away.

She did not even pause for a moment as if there was a flood surging tightly beside her.

Li Shaoling quickly followed. His face was as dark as the skies outside—with the possibility of lightning strikes at any given moment.

Everyone was so spooked when they saw him that they cleared the way for him.

Meanwhile, Ji Weixi fled all the way to the ladies' room, entered a cubicle and locked it.

Only then did she breathe a sigh of relief.

Hmph. She would see how he would enter—she would yell pervert and thug if he did.

Meanwhile, Li Shaoling stood outside and waited.

Each female employee who left the washroom was blushing. "President Li…"

He would throw them a cold glare then, and they would quickly leave.

When Ji Weixi still didn't come out after half an hour, Li Shaoling turned to leave.

'Fine, Ji Weixi. You've got balls.