You Look Very Nice

Ji Weixi thought that it was the pajamas she had bought some other day. She pulled it down a little before calling outside, "I'm done."

Li Shaoling pushed open the door and feigned some footsteps before coming to her.

"Looks very nice."

In fact, so nice that he wanted to…

On the other hand, Ji Weixi was not really glad with his praise.

She actually felt that something was unusual, although she can't quite put her finger on what it was.


Li Shaoling later had Jiang Cong deliver some freshly cooked crayfish.

He then explained when he saw Ji Weixi's worried look, "Relax. Eating it once in a while is fine."

Meanwhile, the little one put on a pair of gloves. "Mommy, I'll peel the crayfish for you!"

However, he quickly changed his mind once Li Shaoling threw him a sharp look. 

"I think I'll eat by myself instead… Daddy will serve you, Mommy!"