You’re Pregnant?!

Old Madam Li only recovered after coughing for quite a bit.

The little one walked up to him, stood on the sofa to give her a gentle rub on the back.

"Great-grandma, do you know my Mommy can do everything? She can cook, do housework and she is also an excellent fashion designer. Most importantly…" He added softly, "She will give me a sister!"

Old Madam Li turned, staring in disbelief at Ji Weixi's stomach. "Y-you're pregnant?"

Ji Weixi was about to answer when Li Shaoling put his palm over her flat stomach and spoke first, "Not yet".

"Soon." He then added after some thought.

Either way, it wouldn't be too long since the Li family's bangle was now in their hands.

He was a little excited just thinking about it.

On the other hand, Ji Weixi's stomach felt scalded as if someone was branding it, and she gritted her teeth. "Who would have a child with you, Li Shaoling!"