You Must Miss Me

Jiang Cong simply stood where he was, neither able to approach them nor to leave.

Feeling uncomfortable from someone's stare, Ji Weixi woke up then, straightening her back, rubbing her neck and slowly opening her eyes.

She found Jiang Cong staring at her without blinking, his eyes shining from the illumination of the lights outside.

Startled, Ji Weixi stood up, completely forgetting that someone was on her lap.

"Are you trying to scare me to death?!"

Meanwhile, Li Shaoling promptly crashed to the floor. He opened his eyes with an empty, dispassionate gaze and a dark look.

Both of them were staring at Jiang Cong disgruntledly.

He shuddered and said meekly, "Well… it's time to get off work."

Ji Weixi then remembered the gathering later which Tian Miaomiao had mentioned, and asked Li Shaoling, "Are you going to the dinner tonight?"

"No!" Li Shaoling coldly declined, having been left very irritated by his rough waking-up.