I Envy You, You Have A Good Husband

Jian Jie stared at her in fright, her tears promptly freezing.

Meanwhile, Ji Weixi continued scolding her. "Can't you see? He's a scumbag. He would rather have that ugly one than you. And what does that mean?"

Jian Jie was confused. "…what does it mean?"

"It means you're less than an ugly woman in his heart. He would never shed a tear over you even if you die—why keep a scumbag like that?"

"But…" Jian Jie pursed her lips and started crying again, her voice ever upset. "But I can't forget him…"

Ji Weixi sneered. "You're quite blind. He's a ladyboy and has nothing to his name. I'm quite impressed that you've provided for him for so long."

If it were her, she would have kicked him out long ago.

Meanwhile, Li Shaoling nonchalantly touched his chin and stared at Ji Weixi with a twinkle in his eye. "I really envy you having such a good husband!"

Ji Weixi did not even look at him.

'What a narcissistic man,' she thought to herself.