Crown Champion Tormenting Bronze Winner, Live

Ji Weixi coldly pointed at Lin Kai in an unstoppable rage. "Li Shaoling, kill him!"

Lin Kai was nonchalantly walking away when a man suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

He looked up to find Li Shaoling's cold gaze bearing down from above.

He flinched in fright. "What are you doing?"

Li Shaoling slowly rubbed his wrists with a vague smile. "Killing you."

With those words, Lin Kai's nose was punched. Blood shot out of his nose and spluttered to the ground.

Then, like grabbing a chicken, Li Shaoling caught Lin Kai's collar and rained fists down on his girly face.

Lin Kai could not retaliate at all, and while Li Shaoling was hitting him powerfully, each fist would perfect avoid vital areas.

Lin Kai's face was soon decorated with swellings and bruises. One tooth had actually dropped out, whereas blood flowed out freely out of the corner of his mouth.