His Coldness

"Apologize." Jiang Yigu repeated, pulling the middle-aged man's collar while the blood vessels in his eyes went red and glinted with coldness.

The man was suddenly afraid and unsure about how to react at once. Still, his eyes turned smartly all of a sudden, and he started yelling. "Help! This doctor is hitting me!"

At that call, the other patients' relatives waiting outside the surgery rooms all stood up to enjoy the show.

However, those words also utterly enraged Jiang Yigu. Glowering, he swung his fist down without mercy.

Not one to be outdone, the man retaliated too, and they wrestled.

Still, Jiang Yigu was agile. The man simply couldn't win against him as he would hit thin air with his fist every single swing, and before he could realize, Jiang Yigu was already behind him, catching his wrist and squeezing. Then, as the man screamed, he arched his back and threw him over his shoulder, and slammed him down heavily.