Li Shaoling is Caught in A Mess

"Actually, the reason for this invitation is that there is something we need to discuss."

Yu Xiangnian turned towards Li Shaoling, putting down his own knife and fork and folding his arms at him.

Ji Weixi finally had a good look at Yu Xiangnian then: charming but self-indulgent, his gaze seemed to exude a sinister side even if he wasn't smiling. The tip of his eyebrows pointed upward, and the lines on his face were both stiff and cold.

His mannerisms made it clear he was confident, and he spoke with the ambition of men.

A dangerous leader.

Ji Weixi rested her chin on her hand and turned to Li Shaoling.

In the end, her man was better in looks, and was so handsome there would rarely be any man as good looking as he is in centuries

She even bedded him, too… ahem. Manners, manners.

"The rookie contest has to be delayed for two months." Yu Xiangnian calmly took a sip of red wine. "Problems in Europe."