Chapter 43: A scam or not.

It was with a pure excitement that Edam began to read excited this book of about fifty pages.

However at the first page of the book, that is the introduction page...


After reading it for just a few seconds or so, Edam already want to ripped it apart and burn it to ashes...!

And the reason was simple, this "damn book" to not say "trashy book" actually explained right away how much it wasn't complete at all...and that even after reading it, one would still need to take some lessons from a professional.

Okay... one had to admit that it was pretty honest but...

Seeing this and filled with doubts, Edam took a look again at the cover to make sure that he didn't see wrong yesterday and the result was...

That he really did see the two damn words "COMPLETE EDITION" well written and so big at that !

What the hell was this scam...!

Could it be...could it be that...

His grandpa Z was ripped off... !?

After all he was given this book in THAT place, those scums were so evil that Edam wouldn't even be surprised if they did pulled out such a tricky moves... or so he thought.

The expectantion he felt so far had dropped several levels in an instant.

His soul of reader felt deeply betrayed as he however thought. " It's nothing, I will still give it a try... I have nothing to lose now..." he still brave himself as he opened the book once again and well of course he mainly opened it again as he knew that his gramps wouldn't have given it to him if it was useless.

And so after reading a the book in its entirety, he came to the conclusion that...

He wanted to learn everything that was written on it right away,...!

If what that book said was true then, the scam he thought was a scam before, was in fact the true scam...maybe to test the reader...who know...

Anyway in short the book said something like...


Birth, Growth, Death, Rebirth.

Those four words shall be perceive as the four steps to help one warrior in the way of manifesting his life force, commonly called ki, to strenghten one body pushing it toward the very limit of a human body and even beyond.

Ki is also known as "latent energy" or "fighting power," or just "life force."

Ki, uses an individual's life-force as fuel or in other words it is the result of the conversion of a body's life-force into energy.

This force is a tangible energy inside every living being, with its major focus being in the center of the body.

The amount of ki one warrior possessed varies greatly depending on the individual. Usually, non-trained beings have very little ki. Training can increase the amount of ki greatly.

This book was written to help people to awaken their ki and to control the flow of ki within their bodies, allowing them to channel larger or smaller amounts of their ki reserves to eventually strenghten their bodies and push their power to the maximum of their possible prowess.

An interesting fact indeed...

The strenghtening of his body but not just that... What made him even more eager to train in it was when the book began to speak about how after attaining a high level in the control of ki, one warrior could accomplished prowess that were unimaginable to human beings. (It didn't implied what exactly and just left it to the user's imagination)

But it was a fact that the book strongly emphasize the fact that the energy called ki was extremely versatile and had limitless possibility that were seemingly limited to only the imagination of the user himself and maybe a little bit of his innate gift to a certain point.

And on the last page, it was written...

Birth, Growth, Death, Rebirth.

Those four steps shall be of help.

PS: If you have mastered it, wait for the second book that will be released in a near future. (Maybe)


Well that book was somehow strange...

First it has never mentioned at any moment the thing called Yggdrasil at all as if the cool name "Yggdrasil's great arts" were just to make it cool to make customers buy it.

Secondly it wasn't complete indeed as stated at the introduction page and was just the beginning, with the book mainly introducing the use of ki and such. And no need to say that this book was bit difficult to if something was missing from it.

Thirdly the author was a pervert...

The book had some rather explicit way of giving weird example that will not be quote for certain reasons.

And fourthly, despite having now a different opinions on it, Edam still thought that the book was a scam nonetheless...

Because after the twentieth page or so, all the other pages were just some funny and perverted jokes.

Anyway now Edam was thoroughly woken up by this interesting book as he then begin by the bases which were...

To be as peaceful as the sky and quick as thunder and for that he had to maintained a balance between his mind and his body.

The process was exactly the same as when he was training in the manifestation of his ki. (although he didn't know it yet), or when he was training in Haki.

He just had to sit down cross-legs and relax his mind to feel the air and everything around him moving around.

Meanwhile the girls blinked at his actions as they return to their reading, while a certain eldest sister kept stealing glances at him from time to time.
